Friday, January 22, 2016

Cats in Paris

                                                                Cats in Paris: A Magical Coloring Book.

 What a great adult coloring book. The cats are displayed throughout the book in cute, creative ways. I could sit for hours coloring in this sweet, cute book. The drawings are just beautiful. The details in the book are so beautiful and creative. Coloring books aren't just for kids anymore. This adult coloring book is great for stress relief, relaxation and just pure fun for anyone. I really didn't think I would enjoy these type of books. I did enjoy this book. I would recommend this book to everyone who needs to unwind and distress!

Thursday, January 7, 2016

It Was Me All Along


I discovered this blogger a few years back when a friend sent me a link. We both marveled at her honesty and uncensored thoughts. The way she described her feelings and relationship with food was unlike any other I had seen before. I don't read her blog too often but I just love her personality and style and sense of compassion and grace. Her underlying message of her being the same person is vitally important. I wish more people saw it that way. My heart broke for the childhood Andie and the one who was still lost even after losing 135lbs. The middle of the book was a bit slow for me but I loved the end and how she tied everything together. One of the most notable takeaways was that the world is going to continue to spin on its axis whether or not I hate my body. I hope she does well and publishes more, because I will definitely read!